About me

Hello, I am Manolis, a driven Software Engineer, with a knack for problem-solving and a passion for collaborative teamwork, currently working at Netcompany.

I've earned my bachelor's degree in Computer Science, at the Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where I honed my skills through diverse experiences in the sector, contributing to large-scale projects in dynamic and international environments.

Being interested in both fields of Full-Stack Web Development and Human-Computer Interaction, I'm currently specializing in Front-End Development, by focusing on implementing user-friendly interfaces. Besides coding, I'm an amateur guitar player, with a little out of tune voice, who enjoys traditional dancing, hiking and traveling.

Committed to continuous improvement, I eagerly embrace new challenges and opportunities for innovation in the ever-evolving tech landscape, striving for excellence in both my personal and professional growth.

Area of Interest

  • Web development icon

    Web development

    Interested in both the client and server side of web applications, I am currently focusing on Front-End Development, specializing in the design and implementation of unique website experiences.

  • Human-Computer Interaction icon

    Human-Computer Interaction

    Fascinated by the complexities involved in designing, evaluating, and implementing interactive technologies, I am driven to explore further the captivating intersection of Psychology and Computer Science.

  • Artificial Intelligence icon

    Artificial Intelligence

    Curious about further exploring Machine Learning techniques and Artificial Intelligence algorithms, with a particular passion for understanding their potential impact on the future of Web Development.

  • camera icon


    Through the field of Computer Science I want to travel as much as possible, interact with people from different cultures and exchange original, fresh ideas.

  • Dance & Music icon

    Dance & Music

    I am an art enthusiast. I love expressing myself through traditional dancing and music.



  1. Associate Software Engineer, Netcompany, Vodafone (External)

    May 2023 — Present
    • Collaborated externally with Vodafone Greece, actively contributing to the development and enhancement of its primary website, vodafone.gr.
    • Refactored and improved quality of code, by migrating journeys from JavaScript to TypeScript.
    • Implemented new features utilizing technologies such as TypeScript, React, Next.js, GraphQL, and Contentful.
    • As the only Front-End Engineer in my main squad, I directly collaborated with various product owners, planned and estimated tasks, while meeting tight deadlines.
    • Engaged in CI/CD Pipeline management using the Jenkins tool, overseeing production releases.
    • Provided mentorship, code reviews, and guidance to junior project members, facilitating their task completion.
  2. Junior Software Engineer, Netcompany

    May 2022 — May 2023
    • Involved in projects of Banking & FinTech (ECOMMBX) and Health Insurance (MR HealthTech) industry.
    • Developed new modules using front-end technologies e.g. TypeScript, React, KnockoutJS, HTML, CSS.
    • Worked in an international and demanding environment under an Agile methodology.
    • Cooperated with multiple QA/Back-End/Front-End Engineers and participated in daily meetings to set short-term goals.
    • Worked on distributed version control system (Git).
  3. HCI (e-Accessibility), National And Kapodistrian University Of Athens, GR

    February 2021 - September 2021
    • Evaluated my department’s website accessibility, addressing current issues and proposing solutions.
    • Worked in Drupal 8 platform and used web accessibility evaluation tools (e.g. Wave, AChecker).


  1. B.Sc in Informatics and Telecommunications

    National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR September 2017 — September 2023
    • Grade: 8.55/10 (Top 10%)
    • Major: Computer Science
    • Specialization: Data & Knowledge Management
    • Activities: Member of Student's Cultural Society (POFPA) - Dance Section


  1. Angular - The Complete Guide

    July 2022 — No Expiration Date
    • Bestselling Angular course on Udemy (~35 hours).
    • Developed modern, complex, responsive and scalable web applications with Angular 14.

My skills

  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Angular
  • Jest
  • React Testing Library
  • Python
  • C/C++
  • GraphQL
  • SQL
  • MySQL
  • Contentful
  • Docker
  • Linux
  • Git



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